er once the news had past.
Hillary Clinton has certainly had that feeling of late publicly admitting that there were times this week when she didn’t want to leave the house again. A good percentage of the world was with her on that. But where are the other second placers that couldn’t quite push the voters over the edge? We take a look at the world’s best nearly men in the last 20 years.
Mitt Romney, 2012
Mitt who? Oh just the guy who lost to Barak Obama in 2012. Admittedly it isn’t a defeat by Trump, but worthy of some decent moping time nonetheless (although apparently not enough to dissuade him!)
A Republican party candidate and Mormon (go figure?!) Mr Romney tried his luck again in 2016 but was rejected. Let’s face it; they did him a favour.
Since then Mitt has filled his time sitting on the board as a director for Marriot International and presumably playing golf.
John Kerry, 2004
Right there in the Hillary Clinton camp of nearly men is John Kerry. Losing out to George W Bush in 2004, this man narrowly misses out on first place in the list of most embarrassing presidents to lose to (we’ll let you take a guess at the first).
He replaced Hillary Clinton as 68th Secretary of State in 2013 and currently remains in charge of foreign policy as one of the four most important Cabinet members in the US….presumably also playing golf.
Al Gore, 2000
Right at the centre of a very public Florida recount alongside George W Bush is Al Gore. Bill Clinton’s former Vice President missed out on the Presidency by one Electoral College vote, because losing to a man who considers ‘misunderestimate’ wasn’t enough.
Since accepting defeat Al has received a Nobel Peace Prize for his environmental work plus created a box office success. Some would argue Al achieved more in the years since running for President than the President. Some.
Bob Dole, 1996
The oldest and quite possibly the most interesting nearly man in the last 20 years, Bob lost out on the race for President to Bill Clinton.
Since the loss he has worked in legal services and television industry as well as being a spokesman for the likes of Pepsi, Dunkin’ Donuts and Viagra. Arguably the safer Presidential candidate for his inability to have a sexual relationship with any woman…it was too easy. Ironically, he has also written books about jokes told by US presidents.
“As you look at past failures with your current eyes, you realize not only that they’ve brought you closer to what you are now, but also that they’ve made you a more complex, perhaps an even more interesting person,” Bradatan says. “Failing an exam when you were 18 was catastrophic at the time, but it caused you to take a detour, which allowed you to have some experiences without which you cannot conceive of yourself today. The fabric of our lives is always made of such failures,” he adds.
In their study, King and Hicks note that it is indeed painful to think about a lost possible self. It causes regrets, distress, and lower well-being. Not surprisingly, then, the more salient a possible self was for subjects, the less happy they were. However, subjects who scored high on both maturity and happiness later painted more vivid and richly detailed portraits of those lost possible selves than did others, but reported that they did not think of them often. Essentially, those who have failed should ideally generate an elaborate picture of their loss, but then go on to seldom call that portrait to mind. Rather than shoving it out of their minds forcefully, they might first flesh out the counterfactual life—the life in which they reached their particular dream—to investigate which precise aspects of that life seem so desirable or important to them, and why. Then, with this self-knowledge and recruitment drive, they can move on, without unproductive wallowing in what could have been.
So there you have it Hillary. There is life after Trump! A life filled with Nobel Peace Prizes, joke books and Viagra. You may also have to take up golf.
Whenever people visit France, the first place that they generally head to is the capital city, Paris. This is completely understandable, it is the poster child of the country, it has iconic landmarks and a reputation that precedes it. Indeed, the first time that I myself came to France, I too headed straight for the city of love and ended up living there for around 6 months.
After the first half year, I got sick with the France-bug and decided that I wanted to see more of the country. This proved to be a great decision as the more I traveled throughout France, the more I realized just how much more there is to see in this beautiful country than just its glitzy capital. Vacation rentals in France are becoming more and more popular throughout the city and this is one of the best ways to explore the country, using them was how I managed to discover so much of my adopted country as many of them are situated where hotels are not. If you want to see what more France has in store for you aside from the capital then here are my top picks for places that you should travel to.
One of the most famous exports that has become associated with France is without question its wine and if you want to see where the magic happens then there is no better place to go than Bordeaux. Not only is Bordeaux wine one of the nation’s most loved, it is also the oldest with production of wine in this region dating back to the 8th Century. Aside from the vineyard visits that you will take and of course, the wine sampling, Bordeaux is filled with beautiful spots and several World Heritage sites where you can see some of the very best of the French countryside.
The best place to see the French coast is, in my opinion, in Brittany or as it is locally known, Bretagne. Here you will find an altogether different side of France, the coast is rough, the waves crash and the temperature drops significantly when you get to Brittany. Walking around Brittany feels as though you have stepped back in time and there is a really medieval feel about the place. Most activities take place on the water and if you are up for a bit of sailing then look no further than the Brittany coast. One of my favorite things to do in Brittany is to indulge my love of seafood and I honestly have not tried fresher or tastier seafood in France than in the little restaurants on the coast of Brittany.
Not only will you find one of those traditional small French towns here in Foix, complete with medieval castle, but you will also find a castle which was actually in operation as a fortress. Unlike many of the quaint castles that you see throughout France, this one has battle wounds and is as impending as it is impressive. The whole town feels like something from a fantasy novel and it feels as though nothing would be untoward if a wizard walked straight through the huge gates.
A far cooler city, in my view, than Paris and a city which offers some of the finest French food anywhere in the World let alone France. Here in Lyon you will find the usual historical sights which most French cities offer but more importantly you will find a chic and vibrant cultural scene throughout the city. From the nightlife to the themed cafes and plentiful Michelin starred restaurants, if you want a relaxing break in a trendy environment then look no further than the streets of Lyon.
For a truly awesome trip away you can head to the little island of Corsica, reached by ferry, this islet offers tourists pure natural splendor and a wide variety of it at that. The island juts out into the Mediterranean like a noisy neighbor and the landscape alters dramatically in just a few short miles, one moment you are enjoying the vistas of calm waters and beauty coves, the next you are watching the rugged hillside, swooping valleys and thick forests. You could comfortably spend a week or two in Corsica and whether you want to relax by the sea and sunbathe, or get adventurous in the woodlands, Corsica has got you covered on both fronts.
So there you have it, my list of awesome destinations in France that you should consider before, or perhaps just after, you visit Paris. Paris is beautiful, classy, exciting and iconic for sure but there is so much more to this amazing country than just its capital and I would implore you to broaden your horizons and get traveling through the country the next time you take a vacation in France.
Today’s modern man has options to secure money very quickly through a variety of fast money loans. But each carries different terms, fees, and interest rates. Here is a look at three of the most popular and how they work:
Cash Advances / Payday Loans
These are the most popular type of quick cash loans and are made as advances against a borrower’s paycheck. Therefore, the borrower must be employed with a minimum income that is typically set with a floor of $1000 monthly. The borrower must also usually have a checking account in good standing that can accept direct deposits.
Payday loans have gotten a really deservedly bad reputation because of their extremely high interest rates that often can sometimes top 600% annualized. In addition lenders can charge an establishment fee of up to 20% of the loan simply for making the loan and additional fees or charges, such as; an arrear fee, late payment fee or early repayment fee.
So why would anyone want to pay these high rates? Often the answer is they have no choice. Many have bad credit and cash advance lenders do not do credit checks. Some need the money quickly and cash advance lenders can act extremely quickly to get them money. And certainly for those who do not have any forms of collateral, payday advance loans are a potential source for money that requires no collateral other than your employment.
However, because of the extraordinarily high interest rates, typically loan amounts are less than $1,500 and are for terms no longer than a few weeks.
Vehicle Title Loans
Vehicle title loans have gained considerable popularity because of their simplicity and their ability to get borrowers small amounts of cash quick. Most vehicle title loans can be acquired in 15 minutes or less and offer loan amounts as low as $100. These loans are nearly always short-term, and carry higher interest rates, but not nearly as high as payday loans.
Vehicl title loans are secured by lenders placing a lien on a borrower’s car, motorcycle, truck or even boat title as security for a loan. The lending company evaluates and then gives a loan based on the wholesale value of the vehicle. If the borrower defaults on their payments, the lender may repossess the vehicle and sell it to repay the borrowers’ outstanding debt. If however, the borrower pays off the debt in full, the lender relinquishes the vehicle’s title back to the borrower.
Because the loan is based on the value of the vehicle, there is little need for lenders to check credit history of borrowers, but the borrowers must own his vehicle.
Credit Card Cash Advances
Today, most credit cards offer a cash advance via a check or money at the ATM and cardholders find themselves tempted by what seems too often like free money. While the process to borrow this money is simple, card holders must keep in mind that the interest rates are usually very high when borrowing money in this manner. Fees for credit card advances range from 2 to 5 percent of the total amount borrowed, and interest begins accruing as soon as you withdraw the money. This would mean that for every $1000 you borrow, you would owe $40 in fees. Interest rates, which are additional costs to the fees, can as high as 28%. So that simple spur of the moment ATM withdrawal can be very expensive. Card holders need to be mindful that some card issuers place credit card advances at the back end of the payments on their credit cards meaning, the money you send will first go to paying off your credit card balance before you start paying off your cash advance balance. This will cause the high credit card cash advance rates to be with you longer and cost you even more money.
Many credit card holders have gone into deep debt because of credit card cash advances and the industry faces constant scrutiny and regulation. Therefore Credit card companies put hard caps on the amount of cash advance money card holders can borrow. Card holders should only use cash advances if they are sure they can pay them off quickly preferably by the end of the month.
These three fast money loans can help you if you are in a fix but should be approached cautiously because like all borrowed money, if you cannot repay, you will potentially create more problems than the ones you seek to solve with the loan. So be a man and be cautious.
Walking the path of owning a business is a long and arduous road that includes a lot of obvious and unforeseen oppositions. This comes in the form of bigger businesses, and in simple choices that one must make to be a successful business in today’s market. One of the big choices a small business owner will face is how to accept payment from their customers. One must look into the best credit card machine for small businesses if they truly want to succeed in this economy.
A credit card reader is an essential tool for any business today. Accepting only cash went out of fashion along with overalls in the 90’s. Today there are so many options for accepting payment that it is basically working against a small business to not do so. Walmart and Target are two of the largest companies, and they pose direct competition to almost every kind of business out there.
Related: Don’t fall for this little known credit card trap
Accepting payment methods like credit cards and debit cards are necessities. Accepting other payment method, like Apple Pay and Paypal, give any business an advantage in today’s market. However, doing this can pose a burden to smaller businesses. Especially if that business is struggling. Some credit card processing services provide free credit card machines with their packages to help businesses in this respect. Along with that, some also offer technical support and installation for free as well.
Small businesses are at a disadvantage from the beginning and to not accept payment methods other than cash is a hindrance to any growth. It is a vital part of staying competitive in today’s market, and should be a part of all business from the beginning. In this respect, the pros heavily outweigh the cons.
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Forget video games – escape the digital drudgery of modern life and solve some problems in the real world.
Escape rooms are a growing phenomenon in major cities across the world. They come with all kinds of setups and scenarios, but the basic premise is the same: you’re locked in a room and you have to solve puzzles to win back your freedom.
“The good ones really are works of art,” says David Spira, whom Newsweek cites as America’s first escape room reviewer and blogger.
Starting from a simple premise, escape rooms have been growing more complex. They incorporate such technological elements as blacklights, laser-triggered alarms, trapdoors, and secret rooms. The production values for the best of these rooms rival those of Hollywood movie sets.
One Washington DC escape room that masterfully combines such technological spectacle with engaging puzzle design is The Alchemist by Insomnia Escape. It earned a 2016 Golden Lock-In Award from Spira’s blog Room Escape Artist, placing it in the top 13 of around 150 escape rooms from around the world.
The Alchemist locks you and your teammates in a mystical library with just 60 minutes to find the fabled Philosopher’s Stone. Fail and the Order of Alchemists will use the Stone to take control of the entire world.
With dramatic intrigue, a lavish environment, and elegant puzzles, this escape room in DC is a great example of the medium rising to the level of art.
Of course, there can be a learning curve with these kinds of games. It can be difficult to parse a room into mere props and actual clues you can use to solve the puzzle. Most escape rooms feature some kind of system for giving hints – otherwise, success rates would drop too low and people might lose interest.
In fact, some of the earliest escape rooms in Japan (where the phenomenon started) boast success rates in the single digits.
Even if you’re not up for those more difficult rooms, if you’re looking for a mental challenge that’s more immersive, social, and engaging than video games, why not try an escape room?
Men may not spend as much time in the bathroom as women, but they do enjoy having a place of their own to relax and get clean. So here are some tips to help you create your own bathroom cave. From vintage industrial light fixtures to dark and luxurious finishes, by incorporating dark hues, wood finishes, mixed metal accents, subway tiles, and vintage accessories, you can claim and conquer this space.
Bring it Back in Style!
The retro look is back and this means incorporating classic fixtures including clawfoot tubs, retro accents or antiques that add a sense of history to the room. Inject a rich and layered look to the room with vintage sconces, leather, and antique mirrors. Don’t skimp on the small details, like vanity hardware or vintage shaving accessories. If you do it properly, you should feel like you are walking into a different era when you walk into the room.
There is something about the smell of real wood in the morning that makes a man come alive. We know that raw wood paneling and rustic, unpainted planks are not common finishes for a bath, but the unexpected dash of texture and roughness will make you feel like a real man. Wood adds a warmth and character to any room and will say things to the world that about who you are inside and out.
Take the A Train!
Every real man loves the subway and subway tiles. Traditional and classic subway tiles are perfect in masculine baths. These days they come in the traditional white and nearly every color in glossy or flat finish. Your choice of grout color can dramatically change the look too. Try a contrast of tile and grout colors or keep it simple with a coordinating colors to emphasize the variety of textures.
Color Your World!
There is no real substitute for the clean and sure feeling that comes with a bright white bathroom. But real men are drawn to color, character and rugged style. Colors create calm and help to reduce stress. So feel free to opt for dark, saturated hues that move your space from spa territory and into men’s-club-lounge land. Whether using dark marble on your counters or painting the walls a high-gloss rich green, use of moody, saturated colors sets the tone for the entire room.
Heavy Metal Anyone!
If you are a heavy metal lover, here is the chance to let your rocker side out. Incorporate elements of bronze, iron, and brass, and you will immediately infuse the space with a raw industrial quality that is 100% masculine. Aged steel vanities, iron lighting, and plain brass plumbing fixtures blend and create a tough rugged look. Be careful not to go overboard or you may feel like you are in a machine shop. Try and strike a balance between Pantera and The Rolling Stones.
These choices allow men to put their own touches on a part of the house that is too often thought of as the woman’s domain. Men, take the reins and prove that even in the bathroom, it’s a man’s world.

Photo by CC user Nicu Buculei on Flickr.
If you’ve ever noticed, men have always been seen betting in casinos in the most iconic movie scenes, where most of the time the women are just pictured as being their gorgeous companions, and they just act as a lucky charm for the men. Have you ever thought if there is really a gender distribution in the gambling world? Or is it just another misconception about casino gaming that we should clear up?
While watching a movie you easily predict the scenario when it’s time for the casino scene: the star will most probably be a man, the age of the dealer would be approximate 50, and of course the male players will be accompanied by beautiful ladies in short skirts or colourful dresses. However if you go deep into the latest research about casino gaming habits, it won’t be surprising if you discover that this stereotype does not really has a foundation.
Another proof of gambling not just being a men’s activity can be found at Magical Vegas – the top online casino.
Some women find it a little intimidating to head to the table games as they have started believing in this myth of ‘the men’s sport of gambling’. However, they feel more comfortable to play online at Magical Vegas, where there is no gender issue. Everyone can enjoy online slots, scratchcards, roulette, or table and card game equally at Magical Vegas, and this has most certainly encouraged more women to start playing games that were once considered as being more manly.
The average age of the female gambler in UK is 29, and their average deposit amount is £67. In Western Countries, studies have discovered that women normally gamble as frequently as men, even though there are distinguishing game preferences. Slot machines, lotteries and bingo are more favoured by women. But this does not stop a large number of women to still have fun with table games at Magical Vegas just like men does.
One reason that might explain why online casino sites, like Magical Vegasare more popular among the fairer gender, is most probably in regards to the reputation of land based casino establishments, which are sometimes not the friendliest and safest environment. Nowadays, women prefer to head straight home from work and turn on their PC or they even start gambling on their mobile or tablet on their way home. Most of these women are in demanding careers and playing at Magical Vegas seems to be the right escape, where women can indulge in their routine activities and still have a good time playing online.
So it’s not surprising to find more women playing at casino sites like Magical Vegas, where they can enjoy their privacy, and indulge in their preferred games anytime and anywhere they want. And on top of that they feel safe by playing at online casinos.

Photo by CC user Marquette LaForest on Flickr.
With all the things in our lives to worry about, hair loss isn’t normally something that sits in the front of our minds. Unfortunately, for some of us, it’s a realization that’s come too early in life. Premature hair loss in men is a topic no one likes to talk about. But with that said, there is some good news, with all the information we have on the subject we now know the main causes of hair loss and therefore how to combat it. Read on to find out more.
Reasons men experience hair loss
There are several reasons why some men experience hair loss over others and why some even find themselves losing hair at a much younger age than they anticipated.
- Genetics– Some men are just more prone to early hair loss due to family genetics. A history of baldness within your family is a telling sign that you’ll most likely find yourself in the same situation.
- Stress– If you’ve got a lot going on, most likely at one point or another you’ll find yourself stressed out. Though a normal amount of stress won’t cause any hair loss, if you’re stressed on a constant basis, you may began to see your hair thinning.
- Nutrition– Good nutrition is essential for a healthy life, and healthy, full hair is no exception. If you’re eating a diet that lacks essential vitamins, you’ll be much more likely to find extra hair in the shower after a shampoo and rise cycle.
- Hair Styles– If you love tight hairstyles like braids, pulled back hair and the man bun, you may be doing yourself more harm than good.
How to fight hair loss in men
Luckily, there are several ways to flight premature hair loss. Some of them include:
- Hair transplants– If you’re willing to visit a doctor, they might recommend a hair transplant. This process involves taking hair from one section and putting it into the section where you’re experiencing hair loss.
- Hair restoration– Cell therapy might sound scary, but it’s a well known procedure that has been around for years.
- Vitamins– Exactly what is sounds like, some hair loss is due to lack of nutrition. So before you see a doctor, if the hair loss is mild, try your hand at adding some extra vitamins into your life to see if they make a difference.
If you’re not ready to take one of these steps, you can always try a new hairstyle to cover up a bald spot or a tinning patch. Though this is just a temporary fix, it can do a lot to help your self esteem in the meantime. Just make sure not to make one of these mistakes.
If you’ve found an extra amount of hair in the shower or after a good comb, you may be experiencing a mild to serve case of hair loss. Though sometimes hair loss in men is temporary and can be easily fixed with a change in diet, other times it’s a more serious case that needs to be dealt with by a professional medical personal. The key is to first learn and understand what is causing your premature hair loss. Once you know the reason/s, you’ll be on your way to hair recovery.
Whether you wear a suit on a daily basis for work or as a one-off for extra special formal events, it’s crucial that you style it right whatever the occasion. In this article, House of Fraser explains the must-have men’s accessories and how you should wear them with your suit.
Cufflinks are an essential part of any formal outfit, but before you rush out to buy a pair, there are a few things you need to consider. Firstly, you’ll need to make sure the shirt you intend to wear is suitable for cufflinks and without button-fastening cuffs.
Next, determine the type of fastening you’d like, with each offering different fit levels. Here are a few:
- Bullet back and toggle—one of the most common fastenings, this type of cufflink has a small metal rod. It is pushed through the cufflink hole and rotated 90 degrees to fasten. It’s widely regarded as the most secure cufflink.
- Chain link cufflink — this traditional fastening features two pieces of rectangular metal attached by a chan. It generally offers a looser fastening than the bullet back.
When choosing cufflinks, remember that they are accessories to your look and not the focal point. Choose sleek, subtle cufflinks that will add to your overall look, rather than detracting from it. Novelty cufflinks are great for adding personality to your look, but aren’t suitable for occasions with strict dress codes.
Tie clips
Tie clips are another must-have when wearing a suit, but there are certain rules you should follow.
Your tie should be positioned between the third and fourth button on your shirt. It should attach your tie directly to your shirt — and not just function as a decorative accessory. Lastly, the bar should never be wider than your actual tie, so pairing a skinny tie with a bar intended for a wider one is a no-no.
Pocket squares
Finish your formal look with a pocket square. As a general rule of thumb, you should co-ordinate your pocket square with your tie. Pick out an accent colour on the tie and carry it throughout the square. The colours don’t have to be an exact match — doing so can make your look seem more like a uniform than a chic gentlemanly ensemble.
Of course, once you’ve settled on a pocket square, you’ll need to fold it correctly — it’s not just a case of stuffing it in your suit jacket pocket. The Art of Manliness has created a great guide to the different ways to fold a pocket square — use it as a reference point to help you get your look right.
Many pundits on the relative merits of business school say that entrepreneurs should stay well away, despite the fact that the founders of some of today’s most successful startup companies, from Tesla Motors to Yelp, have a Master of Business Administration. Talented, smart individuals who have an idea they want to introduce to the world should not be quick to dismiss MBA programs. They can give you a competitive edge, help incubate your venture through structured support and funding, and turn you into a versatile thinker.
Competitive edge
A practical and theoretical understandingof business can give entrepreneurs a huge edge before they begin to bring their venturesinto the world. Entrepreneur-focused MBAs also tend to attract ambitious, independent, and talented individuals, all of whom become part of your peer network. At any good business school, you will learn as much from your peers as you will from your professors. Finding a school with diverse students who come from a huge array of backgrounds, work experiences, and countries will help you make the most of your MBA experience. It will also make sure you get a chance to work with them. For example, an Integrated Core term at a Canadian business school is both a crash course in integrated business fundamentals, and a chance to cross-pollinate with bright minds from very different backgrounds.
B-school incubators
Business school provides a testing ground for your idea, where the cost of failure is small and your ability to bounce back is greater. In the real world, making the wrong decision can prove to be a major setbackto your idea. At b-school, you have a tremendous amount of support from your peers, professors, and mentors. You have a chance to learn from your mistakes before they end your adventure.
Besides acting as valuable testing grounds in their own right, competitive b-schools also have their own incubators where you can work and earn your degree at the same time.LaunchPad is one such program, and potentially the only of its kind in Canada. Candidates who get their ideas accepted into LaunchPad are given space to work in one of three incubator spaces, including Kitchener’s Communitech Hub. Communitech is an enormous digital media incubation centre that has helped hundreds of start-up companies, andsome of the brightest minds in Ontario’s tech triangle rub elbows. Check online to find out more about how the best Toronto MBA programs foster ingenuity in today’s educational marketplace.
You don’t have to start your own business
If you value an independent spirit and want to find fresh ways of looking at business problems, but you’re not interested in bringing your own idea to market, you may still have a lot to gain from an Entrepreneurship MBA. Employers right now are fighting for graduates who have practical knowledge andexperience generating new revenues and weathering economic downturns, all things that startup ventures need to know if they’re going to survive. Startups themselves can benefit from employees with MBAs as they navigate investors and reach their scaling stages. A surprising 92% of startups fail, three-quarters of them because of premature scaling. They need talented MBAs to help them turn their great ideas into scalable ventures.