Image of eyeglasses, pen, two touchpads and financial documents at workplace with businessmen handshaking on background
Technology continues to have a dramatic impact on the way that small businesses operate. The internet and mobile devices have had a particularly significant effect, as they are changing how business market their products and interact with customers. If you want your business to remain as competitive as possible, it’s important stay up-to-date with the latest technological trends. In this guide, we’ll share the biggest tech trends for small businesses in 2017. Understanding these trends will give you a head start for 2018 and will help ensure your business remains successful.
- Social media became even more influential
The growth of social media over the past decade has been nothing short of spectacular. There are now more than 2 billion monthly active users on Facebook, 300 million on Twitter, and 800 million on Instagram. In 2017, many small businesses began using social media to achieve new goals including:
- Improving brand awareness and advertising new products
- Promoting sales and special offers
- Providing customer support
- Increasing web traffic
- Promoting content marketing campaigns
This tech trend is expected to continue in 2018, with more small businesses using social media daily.
- More small businesses used crowdfunding
Crowdfunding is a fundraising method where you obtain many small amounts from many different people. In 2017, many small businesses began using crowdfunding to fund new products or business ventures. Crowdfunding works very well if your business has a loyal customer base and allows you to try new things with less risk. Using crowdfunding is also easier thanks to new crowdfunding platforms like Fundable, IndieGoGo, and GoFundMe.
- More small business allowed workers to work remotely
Allowing some employees to work from home on a part-time or full-time basis can be very advantageous to a small businesses. There are cost savings associated with having less staff in the office, including lower utilities costs and equipment costs. Employees who have the option to work from home also tend to be more productive and effective. Many workers have better job satisfaction if they can spend a little more time at home as well.
In 2017, more small businesses became aware of these advantages and began allowing some employees to work remotely, often via the Internet. With excellent productivity gains and cost savings available, remote offices are sure to remain popular in 2018.
- Online subscriptions boomed in popularity
In 2017, more small businesses started using online subscriptions. Consumers pay a small recurring fee and in return, they are provided with a service or product on a regular basis. Online subscriptions are now being used for everything from razor blades through to wine and vegetables. Websites like PayPal make it simple for businesses to sign customers up to a subscription service.
- Small businesses are using more payment methods
Most small businesses have already integrated electronic payment methods like PayPal into their day-to-day operations. In 2017, more small businesses began integrating new payment methods like Square, Android Pay, and Apple Pay. Some small businesses are even starting to accept cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum. Adding more payment options gives consumers more flexibility and increases the likelihood that they will follow through on a purchase.
- Small businesses began outsourcing additional technologies
Traditionally, small businesses would provide support over the phone or face-to-face. The advent of the internet allowed business owners to also provide support via email. In 2017, more small business owners began providing support via other channels including like social media, video chat, and text chat. These technologies allow for immediate interaction with a customer, which the customer finds very satisfying. They can also be performed remotely and at a very low cost. Small businesses also started using other remote technologies like hiring a small business accountant in Melbourne, Miami, or London, which can help businesses around the world. This trend helps minimize in-house costs and allows companies to focus more on their mission, so it shows no sign of slowing in 2018.
- Small businesses jumped into content marketing
Content marketing is one of the most effective forms of marketing right no. It involves the creation of high-quality content that is shared both online and offline. Creating valuable content for others to enjoy can establish your business as an industry leader, attract more visitors to your website, and improve brand awareness. The best part is that content marketing is very affordable. Many small business really increased their content marketing initiatives in 2017.
- Data security is being taken more seriously
We saw many large security breaches in 2017, which resulted in the loss of millions of customer records. Many of these breaches involved large companies like Bell Canada, Yahoo, LinkedIn, MySpace, and Target. These attacks severely tarnished the reputations of these companies and in some cases, led to lawsuits.
Governments around the world introduced legislation that would force companies to be more careful with user data. In the EU, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is set to come into force in 2018, which compels businesses to be more transparent in the way they collect, process, and secure data. Small businesses are particularly vulnerable to data security breaches. Many small business owners began to take cybersecurity much more seriously in 2017 — a trend that will continue in 2018.
Flooding causes a lot of damage to thousands of homes. After the disaster, everyone hurries to get things back to how they used to be. It is, however, crucial that you pay more attention when comes to your electrical system. You should carefully evaluate your electricity with the help of a utility worker, firefighter or a professional electrician before you start to rebuild or move things around. Electrical repairs are often dangerous, and the addition of water increases the risk significantly. Here are a few valuable safety guidelines you need to consider when repairing your electrical system after a flood;
Pay Attention to Bonding and Grounding
Grounding and bonding are among the vital components of a home’s electrical system. You should pay complete attention to these two.They carry current to your house during normal operation, and in case something goes wrong; they carry current to the ground. These parts can get damaged during floods. It is important to have an equipped electrician to assess the damage. Ignoring your grounding and bonding system may cost you your safety when electrical accidents occur.
Do Not Assume It’s Safe
It is quite obvious that electricity and water do not go well. Unfortunately, not everyone has all information about electricity safety. You should take careful measures when stepping into flooded areas. Electrical cords and submerged outlets could energize the water. It is for this reason that you should have your flooded home inspected by an electrician, firefighter utility worker. Turning off the main switch to shut off the power to your house does not guarantee safety entirely. Energy can flow back from your neighbors who use backup generators making the risk of electrocution even higher.
Replace Everything
It is essential that you replace any electronics or appliances that were affected by the water. Very few can survive being submerged, even for a short time. Appliances like tank water heaters, ovens, freezers, and refrigerators are mostly destroyed since their insulation cannot be replaced. Well, some appliances survive but can be exceedingly dangerous to operate. You should also replace all the metal components of your electrical system as they might rust and prevent connection to your home’s grounding system. You should not assume that your water-damaged electrical appliances can be simply cleaned, dried and reused. Flood waters contain contaminants, including chemicals which might corrode or damage your electrical equipment. These compounds could also cause fires, shock or electrocution.
Once your home has been cleared by qualified personnel, then it is safe to begin cleanup tasks. It is vital to consider all these because your priority is safety. Remember that all electrical repairs in your home have to be performed by a licensed electrician. Even after it has been cleared to be safe, you need to be extra careful during cleaning. Having an early safety check after a flooding event is essential. In case of any emergency electrical services of any kind; you could contact Gordon Powers. They are professionals who will guarantee any repairs, maintenance, and electrical installations.
A man needs a cave, and a man-cave should be furnished and decorated to a man’s exact specifications, whether that means his special haven of masculinity is a carefully curated Playboy After Dark-ish den featuring suave set pieces, lava lamps and framed autographed photos of sports stars and cover models, or simply a comfy private zone where he can play a guitar in peace and have a drink with a favorite guy pal. The important thing to know is that a man’s cave is his own special zone, a “Mancturary” if you will, and nothing should interfere with the sanctity of that temple of masculinity.
Bring in the Furniture
Having said all that, a man cave does need to be furnished. The idea of the man cave is to give that guy a place he can call his own, outside of the rest of the home which is pretty much ruled by the lady of the house. There are some essential pieces that he’ll need in his man cave however, so let’s start with those.
1. Coordinating couch and lounge chairs.
A couch is a great piece to ground a man cave, and a couch that is very comfortable, preferably made in a soft fabric (or leather) with pillows is ideal for those nights when a man needs a space to watch a game or play cards with his bros. A couch that also folds out can be handy for those nights when a guy really needs his own space, or to accommodate a bro who’s visiting from out of town. A reclining lounge chair that matches the couch is also a great idea, as it adds that extra element of relaxation to the cave experience.
2. Industrial Coffee Table
A coffee table is also a must for centering the man cave, and giving the man of the house a place to set his drinks and snacks for his guy friends. An industrial coffee table from www.hudsonfurniture.com.au makes for an ideal coffee table that offers clean lines and a sense of integrity to the man cafe.
3. Bar Area
A wet bar is another asset to a man cave, as it really sets the mood of the place as as a place to entertain without having to leave the confines of the man area. A free standing bar in handsome wood with fold out doors is a great way to create a bar area in the cave. Add a raised table and some padded bar stools and you’ve got everything needed to create an amazing cave experience. Throw in a pool table and a humidor and you’ve got a special retreat you may never want to leave. But isn’t that what having a cave is all about?
When you have the chance to visit foreign lands and discover new cultures, meet interesting and exciting people and get away from your normal surrounding, you realize the richness and true reason for living. Each of us has a dream trip in our minds that allow us to do this and if you ask us about it, you will be met with smiles and great reasons why we have to get there.
But the reality is that these types of trips, where none of the amenities is off limits to us, are very expensive and require our either having large savings or that we save the money by whatever means necessary. Saving for the trip of your dreams may seem impossible, particularly when you need to continue to paying off the bills you currently have in the meantime. But take heart because what can get you there are some tips and tools that we can provide. Here is a list of them that will get you to your dream vacation.
Understand Your Income and Expenses
The way to get from point A to point B financially always begins with budgeting. You need to get a sense of your income and expenses and find out how you can improve the former and lower the latter. So do a quick assessment of all the ways you make money and add up that money based on what you actually take home In other words work with the net amounts since that is what you actually see each month. If you get a tax rebate from the government add that in as a one-time income event as well.
Your expenses will be more complicated because most people never take the time to become aware of and add up what they actually spend each month. You are going to need some tools here and the best one to get is a receipt tracker app. This tool will not only help you to put all of your receipts in one place for easy viewing, it will also get you discounts and cash back on many of the services you already use and pay full price for. So you can both be aware of your expenses and lower them at the same time.
Declutter and Sell It!
If we are honest with ourselves, we will admit that we have many things that we no longer use or need, taking up space in our homes. How about going through your clothing, furniture, electronics, books and other valuables with an eye on selling what you don’t use any more. You can have a garage sale or go to a second hand shop with these items, the result will be less clutter and more money for your dream trip.
Save on Shopping
One of the biggest expenses most people have is their food shopping. In addition to paying too much for food, many never eat what they buy, it simply goes bad in their refrigerators. So spend a few minutes to find out what you can save on your shopping bill. One supermarket will sell several products cheaper than another, and in this case only buy those things from each market that is the cheapest. Also look for brands that are on sale and cheaper than what you normally buy. If you make a few trips and shop smarter chances are you can save a large percentage of your food costs. This will amount to hundreds of dollars each year. By the way, use this same tactic when you go clothing shopping and when you eat out and you will save a comparable amount of money.
Available in many formats and affordable for the first time, there’s no reason to not try out the hottest technology to have hit the gaming industry in recent years. Virtual reality consoles provide a great range of different experiences to cater to varied interests and gamer types. Whether you’re looking to have your socks scared off, or want to walk alongside extinct animals, VR gear from Oculus Rift and HTC Vive have you covered. Of course, gaming isn’t the only type of experience you can have through VR. Increasingly, this technology is being used for educational purposes, relaxation and as an aid in decision making.
Virtual Holiday
Ever struggled to decide on your next holiday destination? The glossy paradise-promising photographs of travel magazines don’t always give the full picture. What if you could see, in real time, the outside of the hotel you were thinking about booking? What if you could check the weather at those exotic beaches before arranging an impromptu getaway? Vacations can cost a lot of money, and getting a taste for what you can expect in advance through VR will help tourists make better informed decisions.
Horror House
The scenario may be virtual, but the fear is real. Exactly why humans are so fascinated by horror has long been a subject of debate but, regardless of the reason, the fact is that being scared is something most of us enjoy to some degree or another. Through VR, we can experience something that is halfway between walking through a haunted house and watching a scary movie. Choose a horror setting, whether it be an abandoned mental asylum like that in Catatonic, or a creepy dungeon labyrinth like that in Minotaur’s Maze, and let the adrenaline rush hit you with the comfort of knowing you’re actually safe at home in your own living room.
Job Simulator
Most schools try to give their students an insight into different career paths – a task that’ll be made easier with VR job simulators. Even if you’re not planning on switching jobs, you may always have secretly dreamed of being a pilot or music producer. We know from the enduring popularity of games like the Sims and Second Life that simulations provide an enjoyable escape for most people; the chance to become their alter egos. VR simulations, besides being fun, could also become invaluably useful in the training of medical students, trainee pilots, or students in other fields where extensive training is required before qualification.
Unless you’re lucky enough to live some place where it’s possible to swim with dolphins, seals, and other majestic sea creatures – then you’ll probably love the realistic marine life simulations offered through VR. Get inside a shark cage, go searching for a Blue Whale or discover pretty coral reef at the ocean floor. Whether for relaxation or education, VR swimming experiences are thoroughly enjoyable.
Most people are attracted to the glamour and thrill of gambling at casinos – but not confident or good enough to bet with real money. Whilst a huge choice of online poker sites may have provided a solution in offering poker in the comfort of one’s own home and for a smaller budget, the experience doesn’t quite compare to that of being amidst neon, cocktails and an ecstatic crowd of social gamblers. VR will help bridge the advantages of gambling online with the appeal of being at a real casino. With games like Lucky Night, players can gamble online but still study their opponents’ body language and present their own poker persona to other gamblers from all over the world.
Zombie Apocalypse
We’ve all questioned it – how long would we survive a zombie outbreak? Hopefully we’ll never have to find out, but we can feed our curiosity with an action-packed VR shooter experience in a post-apocalyptic zombie world. The best VR games for zombie lovers right now include Dying Light, Zero Latency and Arizona Sunshine. Choose your weapon and buckle up – it’s time to activate survival mode.
Space flight
We’re living during an extraordinary time when regular space flight is a feasible prospect on the horizon. Unfortunately, even if we live long enough to see frequent and casual space flight become a reality, we’ll be unlikely to afford it in our lifetime. There’s another way for you to get closer to the stars though. You guessed it – virtual reality space flight. Go on exploratory missions to new solar systems, or command epic space battles in games like Farpoint.
Unless some scientists, ignoring the moral of Jurassic Park, take nature into their own hands and recreate dinosaurs using 200 million years old DNA – then chances are we’ll never get to walk with the magnificent beasts that roamed the planet for so long. Virtually, it is of course perfectly possible – and amazingly realistic. Games like Back to Dinosaur Island and Robinson: The Journey offer breathtaking experience such as watching stegosauruses graze or the less peaceful activity of running away from a hungry T-Rex.
Time travel
An exciting and educational experience that will enhance history lessons and let nostalgia-lovers live out their time era fantasties; time travel is one of the most hotly anticipated experiences offered through VR technology. Go to the gunslinging Wild West or peace loving 60s and maybe even change (virtual) history through the far-spanning implications of your decisions.
Clearly there’s an array of experiences to be enjoyed through the ground-breaking advancements of VR, and the technology is only going to get more immersive in the coming years. Whether for leisure or study, there’s a title to try, or a developer working on one to release in the near future.
Women, who complain about unfair and unrealistic body expectations, obviously haven’t been in the midst of a gay pride festival at the height of summer. While models are usually content to keep to catwalks and glossy magazine covers; any gay man looking to step out, for some of that famed down under sunshine (behave), is constantly met with examples of his physical inadequacy.
Yes, we all love the occasional burly bear but the truth is that most of us have an innate appreciation for the pleasures of a chiseled six pack, toned arms, legs and a V-line to die for (looking at you emen8). So if you’re worried about stacking up this season, here are some tips and tricks to get your body ready for the summer.
Avoid the Thirst
Yes, we recognize it’s a difficult task when you’re spending all summer hanging around beaches, and pool parties; but we’re actually talking about hydration this time around. Getting at least 10 cups of water is necessary, especially if you’re staying active, which you will be if you follow this guide.
When you sweat, your body loses vital nutrients and salts; these have to be replenished in order to maintain your chiseled torso. Without proper hydration your body cramps up and you become dehydrated, but worst of all your muscles retain water; and there’s nothing that kills a six pack quicker than bloating.
Get the Right Nutrition
The key to weight loss is diet, not exercise – unfortunately no amount of sit-ups will fix a daily routine of Macca’s and Snickers bars. While fads like Keto and gluten-free are all the rage nowadays, the best way to get ready for the beaches is to stick to a healthy, balanced meal plan.
Instead of drastically cutting calories, try reducing your intake by about 1/6th of your regular allowance. This will prevent your body going into starvation mode, which leads to stored fat and a dwindling metabolism. By just cutting out snacks, evening carbs and junk foods instead, you can make sure you’re burning fat, not muscle.
In terms of what you should be eating, plenty of fruits and vegetables are of course a must. They provide vital nutrients such as zinc, chromium, vitamins D, and B12 all of which boost your metabolism and promote weight loss. Because you’re going to be working out a lot more, you’ll need to stock up on lean proteins to build muscle, add pork, chicken, fish and healthy nuts into your dietary routine. Instead of three large meals, try 5-6 smaller ones; a handful of almonds or a protein shake should be plenty to tide you over until dinner.
Work Your Butt Off
It’s the part most of us loathe, getting up and getting active. But you needn’t fear, spending hours and hours in the gym isn’t necessary to get great results. Instead look to make your workout as efficient as possible.
High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is the most effective form of exercise for weight loss. Basically it involves alternating between short, intense burst of energy and longer more controlled periods of exercise. For example, if you’re using the treadmill then try running flat out as hard as you can for 30 seconds, then go back to jogging for 2 minutes; repeat this a couple of times and most amateurs will already be ready to drop. This type of training is great for stripping away fat and increasing muscle definition, and works best when paired with 60 minutes of moderate exercise such as swimming, every week.
For muscle tone and definition strength training at least twice a week is imperative. Compound routines that work the entire upper or lower body through your core are the best for busy people who don’t have the time to dedicate to each muscle group. Squats, deadlifts, and full body exercises such as pushups and burpees will kick your metabolism up a gear, and turn you into a Greek God well in time for the summer.
If you are looking for new ways to win big when it comes to betting, why not take a look at horse racing, one of the most famous sports for punters and a great chance to bash the bookies. Horse racing is not for everyone and in order to win you are going to need to be prepared to spend quite a bit of time selecting your bets.
The reason that horse racing is such a great sport for punters is because the odds are often widely varied and the idea of a 14/1, 30/1 or 100/1 winning a race, is not as unlikely as it appears. In order to make the most out of your betting on horse racing at William Hill UK, here are the factors that you will need to take into account.
Form is highly important when it comes to racing and unlike many sports with big upsets and underdog victories, horse racing results generally go in favor of form. You should be studying the racing guides to see how well horses have fared in similar races previously in order to get an idea for how they will get on.
A handicap race is a horse race where horses of many different weights can take part, the horses will carry additional weight in order to bring them in line with the field. It is important that you understand how the handicapping process works before placing any bets on such a race.
Race Length
Race length is really key, especially when you are studying form as some horses have far greater stamina than others. For example, you may find a horse in the form guide that has been successful in recent races, except this time the trainer may be testing their horse out on a longer distance, understanding this can be key to ensuring that you put your money on the right horse.
More often than not in sports, the bookies get the odds right but picking a horse to win out of a field of 15, is very different from picking team A or B to win in a football match. For this reason it is important that you understand why various odds have been given to the horses, and that you are able to find the best odds on offer for the horse of your choice. As mentioned before, it is not rare for a horse with long odds to win a race and you need to ensure that you understand how the odds are put together, and how you can capitalize on them.
Something that many people fail to look at when placing bets on horses is the weather conditions, a highly important factor when betting. Some horse for example may fair better in the wet or dry conditions and when studying the form, you need to bear this in mind. Equally, the weather conditions on the days running up to the race will have a huge impact on the ground of the race track and this again affects your horse’s chances of winning.
The key to winning at horse racing is to carefully study the guide and all of the factors that could affect the outcome of the race, do this and you will be giving yourself the best possible opportunity. Have fun and good luck at the track!
By graduating with an accounting degree, you’ve already cleared a major hurdle. The next step is landing your first all-important job. Whether you ultimately go on to work for a nationally recognized accounting firm or accept a position at a well-respected local firm in your hometown, there are several essential steps in a fruitful job search.
Network With Others in the Field
Networking is a crucial action to take in any employment sector, but especially one as competitive as accounting. Your university may have employment-seeking resources for new graduates, such as local meetings of fellow accounting students in your area that allow attendees to come face to face with prospective employers.
However, networking opportunities often come along when you least expect them. That’s why it’s crucial to always be ready to distribute contact details and talk about why you’re such a worthy participant in the accounting industry’s job market.
Stay Dedicated to Your Search
While seeking employment, some people take action irregularly, feeling extremely motivated during one week and hardly doing anything to secure employment during the next. If you feel tempted to fall into that common pattern, resist the urge. People who land accounting jobs they love are typically those who worked hard to secure them and never got complacent in their search frequency and techniques.
Contact a Reputable Recruiting Firm
Working with an accounting firm could result in a much smoother, more efficient job search. Beacon Resources matches well-qualified prospective employees with top employers in the accounting sector.
Propelled by a track record of meaningful, long-lasting relationships with clients, the company uses a proven methodology to ease the job search and hiring processes for people seeking employment and those in need of talented accountants.
Start strong in your accounting career and increase your chances of landing a position that matches your skills and personality. Getting in touch with an executive recruiter from Beacon Resources is an excellent way to streamline the specifics related to looking for accounting work.
You’ve been browsing the internet looking for home remedies to remove a tattoo. Maybe you’ve experienced a change in views that your tattoo reflects, or maybe your new workplace’s dress code is different than your previous one. Or maybe your tattoo reminds you of a bad memory like a past spouse you want to forget about.
If medical tattoo procedurals like laser, dermabrasion and surgical excision are just too extreme or expensive, take heart. There are a number of painless and effective ways to fade and remove your tattoo, all from the comfort of your own home.
Tattoo removal at home
According to the Mayo Clinic, laser treatment, surgical excision, and dermabrasion are the three most powerful ways of removing a tattoo. Unfortunately, these treatments are not only costly, they can also lead to nasty side effects such as scarring, bruising, burning, and discoloration of the skin post-treatment. While TCA creams are widely advertised as an effective tattoo removal method, it’s important to understand that trichloroacetic acid (TCA), which is commonly used in spas as chemical peels to fade wrinkles, acne scars, and fine lines, can be potentially damaging to your skin. TCA has been known to cause adverse reactions with the skin among 10 to 20% of users according to the Tattoo Health Organization. Side effects of TCA use include blistering, skin irritation, and discoloration of the skin. If you are considering TCA creams, apply the product on a small area of the skin first to check how your skin reacts to it.
Use a product with natural ingredients
If you’re looking for a treatment without the high price tag, hassle, and gore, consider a tattoo fading product that does not contain any damaging acids such as TCA and hydroquinone and is made with natural, skin-nourishing ingredients. Make sure to pay attention to the type of tattoo the cream is effective on. Most people make the mistake of choosing a product that does not work on all ages, colors, or sizes of tattoos. Look for a product that works on both old and new tattoos to enhance the effectiveness of your tattoo removal option.
It’s critical that you check tattoo removal cream reviews of each product and stay away from anything that has been reported to cause unpleasant side effects such as scarring or bruising. If you’re looking for a product made with natural ingredients with no risk of side effects, check out the Trufade reviews. It can be used at home but it also has a complex formulation with skin-enhancing ingredients like Gigawhite that helps fade your tattoo, while Chromabright is designed to brighten your skin, allowing the tattoo to fade faster. Tattoo fading creams like Trufade should be used twice a day at home. The process is easy, quick, and will have your tattoo fading in no time.
Some home remedies that claim to fade tattoos may give decent results depending on the tattoo and skin type. With salabrasion methods, however, there’s a higher risk of infection as you are scraping your skin to get to the layers where the tattoo ink lies. So the problem with most natural home remedies is that they either don’t work on most people or they are potentially damaging to the skin. Medical treatments may sound like the most efficient approach, but they are costly and can cause permanent physical side-effects.
Fortunately, there are plenty of tattoo removal and fading creams on the market that do not harm the skin and help make your tattoo removal journey a pleasant one. Remember, with any product, patience is key so be sure not to overuse any cream, and always follow the product’s instructions.
A stag-do is an amazing opportunity to do something fun with the boys before making a life-changing commitment. You can fill your days with fun packed adventures and spend your nights exploring the nightlife. More and more people are travelling to experience stag weekends, but if you want to avoid the touristy areas then here are five unusual destinations for an awesome stag-do.
You wouldn’t necessarily associate spending time in Israel with being on a stag-do, but that is what makes it unusual. If your group is more interested in spending time learning about history and absorbing culture then this is perfect for you.You can take a two day tour of Bethlehem where you can view some of the most stunning churches in the world and see the birthplace of Jesus.
There is no partying allowed but if you do want to let off some steam, Tel Aviv is only 60 km away and the nightlife doesn’t get started until 11pm. There is no closing time so you can party until the sun comes up. A stag do in Israel could be the perfect combination of culture and fun.
Brno, Czech Republic
Prague is already one of the most popular destinations for a stag-do because of its cheap bar, exciting day activities and fabulous nightlife. Brno is a great place for people who are looking for a more unique place. Flights are fantastically cheap, the beer even cheaper and there are some great activities for revellers to do. You can drive a tank and fire machine guns, work as a team to get out of an escape room, or try go karting. The bars, pubs, and restaurants are open past 6am so it a great place to party.
Madeira, Portugal
Madeira is the perfect place for a group of guys to head who are looking for a great bonding experience. Madeira is the largest island in Portugal and it is a great destination to give canyoning a try. Canyoning is exploring canyons using different techniques to explore like walking, rappelling, swimming, and climbing. There is an option for beginners if the group has never tried this exciting sport.
Although Madeira doesn’t have much of nightlife there are several pubs that are open until the early hours of the morning so that you can sit around and rehash your exciting day’s adventure over some pints. Or you can head to the casino. An interesting fact about Maderia, is that its airport is named after the footballer Christiano Ronaldo, so when you are organising your airport transfers, you’ll understand why they are refering to the airport as this.
Helsinki is the capital city of Finland and it offers many exciting things for stag parties to do. There are plenty of great activities to do during the day like hiking, cycling, white water rafting, and quad biking. At night you can experience the thrill of a pub crawl where it never gets dark. Helsinki is a great place for music lovers and you can find bars that offer techno, trance, and live rock shows complete with mosh pits.
Macau is a great destination and offers many exciting adventures for a group of guys to experience. You can play golf, go go-karting or charter a private yacht complete with alcohol, models, and food. You can also experience a Casino Royale style private tournament at the famous Starworld Macau. Make sure you pack a suit so you don’t feel out of place here.