The golf accessory holder that you can clip right onto your belt, FREESHOT, has just launched on Kickstarter. The product is smaller than the size of two golf balls, and weighs less than 1 pound, even when it’s carrying a golf ball inside the holder. FREESHOT comes in 1 of 4 color choices: Metal Gray, Rose Gold, Black, or Black & White.
Wearing FREESHOT is simple: just clip it onto your belt or golf attire. When worn opposite of your dominant hand, you won’t have to worry about the product getting in the way of your swings.
FREESHOT comes with a divot tool, ball marker, and long tee, as well as space to store your golf ball and short tee.
The divot tool helps you take care of any pitch marks left on the green after you swing, and comes in a two-prong design. The blades are retractable, so they won’t poke you while you store them at the side of the device.
FREESHOT also comes with its very own snap-back, bright orange tee. The eye-catching color means that it’s easy to find on the golf course. Also, the resilient two-piece design of the tee means that it doesn’t break easily, so you can reuse it again and again.
After you strike the tee, the magnet design causes it to snap back in place automatically, so you’ll never have to worry about tees going missing.
FREESHOT also comes with a ball marker component that you can slide in and out from the holder. The magnet keeps the ball marker in place, and makes it more convenient for use.
With FREESHOT, there’s even a place to store your golf ball. Plus, the material is sturdy and reliable for a stronger hold on your golf ball. It takes a pretty strong shake to knock your golf ball out by accident.
그리고, 장갑을 벗어야 할 때에는 장갑을 본체 사이드에 부착해주면, 따로 주머니에 넣거나 손에 들고 다니지 않아도 편리하게 휴대할 수 있다.
There’s a wide variety of great things to enjoy about FREESHOT, whether you’re a beginner or golf expert. It’ll surely help take a few strokes off your game.